Thursday, July 17, 2014

Moving from KO to Kitchener distilling

The Distillery District - now our version in Kitchener!

We're not only moving from Toronto to Kitchener, we're moving on from KO Distilling concepts, and the boxing references to something directly related to Kitchener distilleries.  Toronto has the distillery district - we're the lead edge of a new distillery district in Kitchener.  Can't say which address yet...we're working on it.  So don't look for our old domain, but stay close to great whisky!

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Working west of Toronto, or moving?

Home is where the heart is, and the whisky
Making whisky is one thing.  Working west of Toronto is another.  But moving west to work is the larger question - we love Toronto, but Katie and I feel it's probably time to live and work in Kitchener.  Plus it puts the K and the O in KODistilling, right?  This photo sums up the difference between GTA and Kitchener.

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Katie and Paul working on whisky in Kitchener, ON

Katie and I are like, well, two glasses of whisky!
Katie and I have been offline for a while, but we have been actively looking in Kitchener for the "right" location for our distillery.   It has also been a challenge to look forward to fund raising to launch.  We have had and some other domains already registered, which we like, since it's "K" for Kitchener (or Katie!) and "O" for Ontario (or O'Mara, also making Katie happy!), but none of this is final.  Cheers!