Sunday, April 20, 2014

Kitchener, ON makes it KODistilling too

Bleams Road in Kitchener  with 3-10,000 sq. ft for us?
Kitchener's not so far away for us, not really (right?) but still a drive.  This has up to 10,000 sqare feet, and the smallest we can lease is 3000.   Advantages are lower lease rate than we have seen so far.  And we're still liking our KO Distilling concept, (KP and PK just never seem to work for Katie and me, but if I were smart we'd just make it Katie's Distilling!) (Katie nods her head, yes!). 

I like the industrial feel to it, but Katie's not as impressed.  And it's a long drive back to GTA every day.  Time to move?  And this is cheaper on Hurst Ave., but too large for now:
Too large, but cheaper.  Lots of room for whisky though!

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Whisky, beer, Maple Leafs...

It's Spring, so the Leafs are out, eh?  Time for whisky, so Katie and I take Sunday to consider options.

Read more, here as Katie and I consider recipes for (success, whisky, names) and generally wonder about the Leafs.