Thursday, July 17, 2014

Moving from KO to Kitchener distilling

The Distillery District - now our version in Kitchener!

We're not only moving from Toronto to Kitchener, we're moving on from KO Distilling concepts, and the boxing references to something directly related to Kitchener distilleries.  Toronto has the distillery district - we're the lead edge of a new distillery district in Kitchener.  Can't say which address yet...we're working on it.  So don't look for our old domain, but stay close to great whisky!

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Working west of Toronto, or moving?

Home is where the heart is, and the whisky
Making whisky is one thing.  Working west of Toronto is another.  But moving west to work is the larger question - we love Toronto, but Katie and I feel it's probably time to live and work in Kitchener.  Plus it puts the K and the O in KODistilling, right?  This photo sums up the difference between GTA and Kitchener.

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Katie and Paul working on whisky in Kitchener, ON

Katie and I are like, well, two glasses of whisky!
Katie and I have been offline for a while, but we have been actively looking in Kitchener for the "right" location for our distillery.   It has also been a challenge to look forward to fund raising to launch.  We have had and some other domains already registered, which we like, since it's "K" for Kitchener (or Katie!) and "O" for Ontario (or O'Mara, also making Katie happy!), but none of this is final.  Cheers!

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Karlson and O'Mara head West!

West...just west enough for Karlson and O'Mara - for a burger
It's the weekend, so Katie and I are headed west!  West from Toronto that is....for a burger!  We've been to the Western Hotel Burgers and Steaks before -- really it's a modern day saloon with gourmet burgers, juicy steaks, smoked ribs, and 16 different world class and craft beers on tap!   Just right for KODistilling to look for a new type of decor or decoration. Inspiration is everywhere!

We're still looking in Kitchener for a whisky manufacturing site, but haven't decided yet.  So it's a day for great burgers, some beer and thinking hard about what we should do in what order.  Katie and I both like the idea of "KO" for Kitchener, ON and Karlson and O'Mara both being the reason for KODistilling!    

Friends and family, we'll be sitting down for burgers and discussion of whisky in the early afternoon.  See you there!

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Kitchener, ON makes it KODistilling too

Bleams Road in Kitchener  with 3-10,000 sq. ft for us?
Kitchener's not so far away for us, not really (right?) but still a drive.  This has up to 10,000 sqare feet, and the smallest we can lease is 3000.   Advantages are lower lease rate than we have seen so far.  And we're still liking our KO Distilling concept, (KP and PK just never seem to work for Katie and me, but if I were smart we'd just make it Katie's Distilling!) (Katie nods her head, yes!). 

I like the industrial feel to it, but Katie's not as impressed.  And it's a long drive back to GTA every day.  Time to move?  And this is cheaper on Hurst Ave., but too large for now:
Too large, but cheaper.  Lots of room for whisky though!

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Whisky, beer, Maple Leafs...

It's Spring, so the Leafs are out, eh?  Time for whisky, so Katie and I take Sunday to consider options.

Read more, here as Katie and I consider recipes for (success, whisky, names) and generally wonder about the Leafs. 

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Defrauding the LCBO? Not smart!

LCBO , a new home for Karlson and O'mara's products in the future.  Photo by Rick Eglinton, Toronto Star.  

We've all been to the LCBO, some more than others (!) but we never imagined this kind of story.  Maybe someone steals a bottle - but $2.1 million?

With thanks to the Toronto Star

Francois Agostini has a story to tell. It’s a whopper of a yarn that runs the gamut from lavish lunches, flashy diamonds and Louis XIII cognac to a criminal investigation involving millions of dollars in stolen booze and cash, a fake Ukrainian diplomat and jealousy in a trailer park.   And it all ends in a federal penitentiary. 
Katie and I thought this story must be from the new-fiction review section, not the crime page.

Got a better story?  Let me know and I'll include it here if it's funny and at least partially true.    Drop me (Paul) a note at my kodistilling gmail.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet, or what's in a name

Karlson O'mara or O'mara Karlson (KO vs. OK?)

Katie and I discussed the options of KODistilling vs. OKDistilling (you can guess which one Ms. O'mara wanted...), but then we wondered would the distilled spirits been seen as "OK" or would either/both be just fine?  We think our recipes, flavour targets and plans for what's in the bottle are on the mark.  But we're stuck on a name.   Good thing there's still time!  Thanks for all your ideas and comments!

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Yeee Hawww from Karlson and O'Mara - what to do today in Toronto

Country 'n' Western Bars in Toronto

Yep, you read that right.. Toronto is now home to not just one, but TWO 'saloons'. They not onlyserve up excellent eats but are bringing some good up-and-coming Country artists to Toronto.

If you want to pull out and dust off your boots, just head on down to either the Rock ’n’ Horse Saloon (250 Adelaide St. W., above Adelaide Hall) in the Entertainment District Downtown OR over to the Boots & Bourbon Saloon (725 Queen St E) in Riverside (East Toronto).
Both have those infamous Mechanical Bulls and will not disappoint even the hardcore country guy or gal... Yeee Hawww!! 

As far as K&O are concerned, once we get our plans and approvals completed so we can start distilling, we hope you'll also find our whisky (and/or bourbon?!) at these two fine saloons.  Have a great weekend!  

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Actually, Karlson and O'Mara open a health store :-)

Katie O'Mara says this is health food.  It's not tofu.
 Katie's idea, honestly.  :-)  This is from the Telegraph, but I'll quote here:

Drinking malt whisky may help prevent cancer, a scientific conference has been told.
The medicinal properties of antioxidants in red wine are well known, but delegates at a biochemistry conference were told that whisky offered "even greater health benefits".
Dr Jim Swan, a consultant to the drinks industry, said: "There has been much in the news about the health benefits of antioxidants in red wine. By contrast, very little has been said about malt whisky distillery science.
"However, research has shown that there are even greater health benefits to people who drink single malt whiskies. Why? Single malt whiskies have more ellagic acid than red wine."
Speaking at the EuroMedLab conference in Glasgow, he said ellagic acid absorbed rogue cells in the body. "So, whether you indulge in the odd tipple, or you are a serious connoisseur, whisky can protect you from cancer and science proves it," he said.
However, Dr Lesley Walker of Cancer Research UK, pointed out that the same acid was found in fruit, and said she was "very concerned" that whisky was being promoted as a cancer prevention agent without data to support the claim.
"On the contrary, there is considerable data documenting the link between drinking excess alcohol and the increased risk of a number of cancers, particularly in smokers," she said.
"Ellagic acid is a powerful antioxidant but that does not mean it is necessary to hit the bottle.
"There is an abundance of this acid in soft fruits and the charity suggests this as a much healthier way of increasing antioxidant intake."

So, it's from 2005, but still a good reason for a single malt, eh?   Now if only Tim's had that as part of a special double double.

 Not convinced? 

Try whisky to lose weight, boost brain power.  You can call us Drs. Karlson and O'Mara!

An expert to know

We've a lot to aspire to, as you see here in Canadian Whisky, as you see here in reviews from Davin de Kergommeaux.  Yes, it will cost  a lot to sample each of the whisky's you see in the review, but pick a few and start there.  Someday "soon" we (Paul Karlson and Katie O'mara) will be on this list...though not soon enough!  In the meantime, plenty of excuse to do research with friends, and if you're motivated try these glasses which we obtained during a trip through Oklahoma (!) south of the border.  We're thinking of a personalized version for our distillery, after we're producing.  Oh, and to keep up with Davin's insights on whisky, try his Twitter feed: @DavindeK or buy his book.


Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Karson, Karlson, KK, KO, O'mara, ThunderBay or ? Distilling

Some day soon you'll see us here: Best of Toronto if we can pick our business name!  So far, we're thinking of any of these:  Karson, Karlson, KO or Thunderbay Distilling?  Ideas?  Katie has different ideas than I do, as you can imagine.  We've got the domain names for some of them so far, while we think!  Perhaps a dram will help!

From our friends at

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Moving out 40 Creek

Katie O'mara will be our business development manager for Paul Karlson and Katie's new distillery west of Toronto

Katie O'mara and Paul Karlson have the news you're waiting for!  No, not a wedding....

After working too many years at too many bars and restaurants in Toronto, we're taking our next step, not just to brew and serve great drinks but distill.  We're talking with relevant authorities and will have a real website soon as soon as we decide which name to use (and find the right place)!  (Thunder Bay?!)   We're thinking of K&K (Karlson & Katie, or "Karson" for those who gave me a nickname) but in the refined tradition of Scotland, probably our last names (from Sweden and Ireland) or the place name (Thunder Bay Whiskey?) or just a "ko" to score a knock out!  

All we can say is watch out 40 Creek!   Cheers!

Check back to see what we come up with besides Canadian Whiskey!