Thursday, March 20, 2014

An expert to know

We've a lot to aspire to, as you see here in Canadian Whisky, as you see here in reviews from Davin de Kergommeaux.  Yes, it will cost  a lot to sample each of the whisky's you see in the review, but pick a few and start there.  Someday "soon" we (Paul Karlson and Katie O'mara) will be on this list...though not soon enough!  In the meantime, plenty of excuse to do research with friends, and if you're motivated try these glasses which we obtained during a trip through Oklahoma (!) south of the border.  We're thinking of a personalized version for our distillery, after we're producing.  Oh, and to keep up with Davin's insights on whisky, try his Twitter feed: @DavindeK or buy his book.


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