Saturday, March 22, 2014

Yeee Hawww from Karlson and O'Mara - what to do today in Toronto

Country 'n' Western Bars in Toronto

Yep, you read that right.. Toronto is now home to not just one, but TWO 'saloons'. They not onlyserve up excellent eats but are bringing some good up-and-coming Country artists to Toronto.

If you want to pull out and dust off your boots, just head on down to either the Rock ’n’ Horse Saloon (250 Adelaide St. W., above Adelaide Hall) in the Entertainment District Downtown OR over to the Boots & Bourbon Saloon (725 Queen St E) in Riverside (East Toronto).
Both have those infamous Mechanical Bulls and will not disappoint even the hardcore country guy or gal... Yeee Hawww!! 

As far as K&O are concerned, once we get our plans and approvals completed so we can start distilling, we hope you'll also find our whisky (and/or bourbon?!) at these two fine saloons.  Have a great weekend!  

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